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Overland Sourcebook 2020

We keep our fingers on the pulse of the overlanding world - ways to get involved, equipment reviews, and exciting stories.

Subscribe to Overland News and we'll send you a FREE digital copy of the 2020 Overland Sourcebook: Your Guide to Adventure - the industry’s one-stop digital resource for all things overland - from compelling editorial to a featured product showcase and a comprehensive listing of overland companies.

Your Guide to Adventure

We're proud to offer our Overland Sourcebook, the annual companion to Overland Expo and your year-round go-to resource. The Sourcebook is the guide to the overlanding industry with 159 pages of listings for all things adventure: vehicles, motorcycles, accessories, camping equipment, services, information, trip planning, business consultants, fabricators, and much more.

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Industry leaders in vehicle manufacturing.

General Outdoors

All the accessories all in one place.


All you need is two wheels for the greatest adventures.

Receive your digital copy today!

The Overland Sourcebook is Your Guide to Adventure. Submit your email address and we'll email you a link to view the digital edition of the Overland Sourcebook 2020. Read features by Jonathan Hanson, Eva Rupert, Nick Jaynes and The Sidecar Guys.

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Overland Sourcebook 2020